Debate of the colours

“Blue is the best!” Spoke a blue little man.

“No red!” Said a red little girl.

“Don’t be silly. Everybody knows green is cooler.” Said a slick man in his mid 20’s.


The colours were mad and thought they were the best! Each colour thought they were better! So Mr. debate rolled in and said it was time debate the best colour!

The orange one spoke first, “As the colour of our beautiful rising sun I am the best colour around!”Then pink went, “Everyone knows pink is the best, pink is love, pink is right!”

Then everyone else went too.

Our Oceans

We MUST protect out oceans! We have been littering and all OUR rubbish is going to the oceans. We HAVE TO stop this and make sure in NEVER happens again.



We must help our oceans, to do this we must stop littering! Stop letting balloons go into the atmosphere and stop kicking balls into the oceans. SO many kids have kicked their balls into the ocean!



We can help by putting rubbish into bins and not overflowing ones. Our oceans have been going brown and its FRIGHTENING.


We have to protect our oceans to make our world a better place!



The Worst Human

BAM! Went the exploding dynamite.

“That was a close one,” said Nancy, a wolf, “We must keep the pack safe.”


“She has gone crazy!” Said Michel, one of the wolves.

“Yeah, but what can we do about it?” Said Nancy.

“We must get back to the cave.” Said Michel.

NO! We must fight, use our razor sharp claws and fight!”


They ran to get their potions from the witches potion shop to fight the crazy lady. They threw it at her. “We have to get out our chainsaw,” screamed Michel.

“But where did it go? She shouted.